The Class Schedule
You do not have to attend class to reap the full benefits of these schools. You need to
prepare for class by obtaining the school prior to attendance, to study and write out your
questions to be answered by phone if time is of the essence, by e-mail or in person in class.
The most successful students have put the paperwork, which supports the audio, in a 4" 3 ring
binder and noted their questions in the margin to expedite phone or net time. We spend much
time answering questions that pertain to you as an individual via the net or phone. Many
times you answer the unanswerable dilemma when you delve further into the written material, so
finish the school you have prior to contacting us.
Note: It's in your best interest to get the "home schooling" DVDs well in advance of whatever
class session you're planning on coming to, so Scott & Jacqueline can spend as much time as
possible by phone or net about that class on your personal position and/or problems.
Truthfully, we cannot teach the class until you have read and listened to the class materials.
Classes will be taught from October - March each year unless posted differently or by special
arrangement. Call for scheduled classes 417-273-4967.